Help lonely
people, become
a monthly donor

Monthly donations are an easy way to help
Loneliness has become silently endemic among Finns. Studies show that loneliness is worse for your health than smoking 15 cigarettes a day. As a regular monthly donor, you ensure that more seniors, young people, and families with children will get help to overcome their loneliness.
We at HelsinkiMissio work towards a time when no one need feel lonely. With your support we can improve life for the many people who have found themselves on their own.
Become a monthly donor

My support person is the only person in the world I have been able to talk to about absolutely anything. They never recoil, not even from bad stuff.
Young person who has received help
What do monthly donations make possible?

Young people
We offer young people easily accessible professional help free of charge. Conversation and crisis help is provided in Finnish, Swedish and English for people aged 12–29. Through us, a young person can also have a trained support person for at least a year. Often the support person becomes an important friend.

We train support people to provide companionship for the elderly and to be gig helpers for one-off needs. We provide Senioripysäkki (A Stop for Seniors) activities, where people of 65+ can access professional help with whatever is weighing on them. Professionally led therapeutic conversation groups are available in several locations. Seniors can also phone in to speak to someone on our Aamukorva (Morning Ear) service.

Families with children
Our HelsinkiMissio-trained family mentors provide support to families with children when they have no one nearby to help them day-to-day. Also, our crisis and conversation help professionals are available free of charge to families when they need someone to talk to. And our Family Support people, a.k.a. Perhekaveri, smooth the way for family members visiting the New Children’s Hospital.

People with disabilities
Resonaari is a unique and pioneering music school which is well-respected both in Finland and internationally. At Resonaari, developmentally disabled and other special-needs learners can experience the joy of making music. Such participation adds to the well-being of people with special needs.
Become a monthly donor
Get in touch
Frequently Asked Questions
Monthly donations help to ensure that our support is continuous and reliable. Even a small monthly contribution can have a transformative effect on a person who is coping on their own. Making a monthly donation is a simple and easy way to overcome loneliness within society. The sum you specify is automatically debited from your bank account and you need do nothing more.
Studies show that our work helps and has a positive effect. Nearly 70 per cent of the clients of our Crisis Services for Youth have said that conversations with them were helpful and had markedly improved their well-being.
HelsinkiMissio’s work depends on donations. Nearly half the funding for our aid work is covered by donations from private citizens, companies and foundations.
Among other things, HelsinkiMissio offers crisis and conversation help for lonely young people, support people to alleviate loneliness among seniors, and volunteers to support families through tough situations at the New Children’s Hospital. All help is given to our clients free of charge. We operate efficiently and we neither seek nor share profit.
You can become a monthly donor by filling in the above form. You may choose to pay by e-invoice, by card or by MobilePay. When you become a donor by e-invoice, HelsinkiMissio will send an e-invoice to your online bank once a month. When the first invoice comes, you change the payment into an automatic payment, which means it will be smoothly debited from your account each month. You can also request an assignment agreement by e-mailing us at or by phoning us on 09 2312 0300 between 9 a.m. and noon on any weekday. The agreement needs to be signed and mailed back to us.
You can update your contact details or change the amount of your monthly donation, the recipient or the due date by e-mailing us at Please remember to include your name and address in your e-mail. The minimum donation for monthly donations is EUR 10. There is no upper limit for monthly donations. If you want to end your monthly donations, please notify us at Please note that we need your instruction some four weeks before the debit date. Please also notify your own bank that the e-invoice or direct debit has expired. Also, you can pause your donation (for a maximum of two months) by letting us know at
If you have an e-invoice agreement with HelsinkiMissio when your bank account is changed, you can set up a new e-invoice agreement in your new bank. To set up the e-invoice agreement you will need your personal client reference number, which you can request from us at