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Yksinäinen tyttö puistossa

Have you already made a will? Let’s take care of future generations together.

A will is an opportunity for everyone to decide how they want their assets to be used. A donation made in your will ensures that part or all of your assets will go to a cause that is important to you.

Loneliness is a serious societal issue that has a stronger negative impact on the health of Finns than any other single factor. In recent years, the number of people experiencing loneliness in Finland has tripled. Remembering HelsinkiMissio in your will, helps us provide essential support to those suffering from loneliness across the country.

If you would like to include our organization in your will, please contact us, and we will be happy to assist you.

Do you want to know more? Get in touch.

Niina Frösén

Fundraising Manager +358 44 735 5138 niina.frosen@helsinkimissio.fi
Päivi Krogerus

With HelsinkiMissio, you can specify what sort of things you want your legacy gift to be spent on. HelsinkiMissio’s support is known to reach a wide range of people and groups in society.

Together with HelsinkiMissio, Päivi Krogerus arranged a Joy of Life concert for seniors with a legacy donation from her mother.

HelsinkiMissio is a politically and religiously independent charity.

Why include HelsinkiMissio in your will?

Nuori poika hymyilee Nuori poika hymyilee

Young people

We offer young people free crisis and conversation help that can make a big difference during tough times. Any young person can book an appointment for conversation help through our website – help is available in Finnish, Swedish, and English. Through us, a young person can also have a trained volunteer companion for at least a year, often forming a lasting friendship.

Tukihenkilö ja seniori kävelyllä Tukihenkilö ja seniori kävelyllä


We support seniors in their daily lives by providing conversational help, and trained volunteer companions. Therapeutic discussion groups led by our professional helpers help seniors with matters weighing on their minds. Additionally, through the Aamukorva phone service, seniors receive a reliable listener and conversation partner every morning of the year.

Isä ja poika puistossa Isä ja poika puistossa


Loneliness is often hereditary. That’s why we provide support from our trained volunteer companions to families who don’t have helpers nearby. Being together can mean talking with a parent, sharing worries, doing things together, and helping around the house. We also offer free counseling support to families. Additionally, our volunteer companions provide presence, support, and practical help to families arriving at the New Children’s Hospital.

Tytöt soittimien kanssa Tytöt soittimien kanssa

People with disabilities

HelsinkiMissio’s music school Resonaari is a unique and highly regarded pioneer both in Finland and internationally. The school enables people with developmental disabilities and other special learning needs to experience the joy of playing music, enhancing the well-being and inclusion of individuals in special groups. Through our example, we aim to influence attitudes towards diversity.

Seniori ja lapsi käsi kädessä

Did you know?

In our long history, legacy gifts have sometimes been what has made it possible to keep doing what we do. As a non-profit organisation, HelsinkiMissio does not pay inheritance tax, which means the full amount is spent on our work to combat loneliness.

Significant donations and donations of stocks go into the HelsinkiMissio Loneliness Fund, which was set up in 2021 to enable us to use donations in a more planned way and over a longer period of time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can write a will yourself. A will must be written or typed and be signed and dated in the presence of two witnesses. However, we recommend using the services of legal experts.

A will can dispose of any assets you own, such as financial savings, real estate or securities.

By writing a will, you give instructions for how you want your assets to be divided and/or used. A will ensures that what you want will be done.  

If you want to include HelsinkiMissio in your will, you can specify which part of HelsinkiMissio’s work you want your donation to be used for: perhaps to help combat loneliness or, for instance, to have it used primarily to help young people or seniors. If you would like to include HelsinkiMissio in a will, we can recommend legal experts who would help you to draw up your will in total confidentiality.

You can draw up a will at any age and change it as your circumstances change.

You can change or cancel your will at any time, but changes and additions must be made according to the regulations concerning a wiill. Only the latest will and testament is valid.

Non-profit organisations like HelsinkiMissio do not need to pay inheritance tax.

HelsinkiMissio’s work to help lonely people would not be possible without donations. Whether large or small, all donations are vitally important to our work and for all the people we help. The donations we receive from people who are willing to help, pay for about one third of what we do. When you support the work of HelsinkiMissio, you can be sure that your donation will be used efficiently. The number of people we need to help is growing year by year.