Loneliness is an issue at every school. Which is why we created the School to Belong programme and certificate. Commitment to the programme shows that your school hasn’t swept the problem under the rug, but actively works to reduce loneliness – so that no one feels left out. The time to act is now.
Loneliness among children and young people is a serious and growing problem. One in four girls and one in ten boys in their early teens often feels lonely. Loneliness is not a state of mind you choose nor enjoy, unlike the times when you choose to be alone. Long-term loneliness can weaken the mental and physical health of young people, negatively impact their learning ability, and increase the risk of violent behaviour. We cannot afford to leave a single child or youth unsupported.
The School to Belong Programme helps a school community identify and alleviate the loneliness experienced by some young people and offers tools to counteract it. The programme makes the reduction of loneliness a common endeavour for the whole school. It is something the school community works for together.
The programme uses methods that international studies have shown to be most effective: impactful early intervention, skill training, changing the atmosphere of attitudes, and by realigning distorted thought patterns that contribute to loneliness.
For more information, please contact:
Silva Saulio (on parental leave until 2025)
School to Belong programme manager
silva.saulio@helsinkimissio.fi 09 2312 0317, 043 201 3192
Mikko Lievonen
School to Belong programme manager
mikko.lievonen@helsinkimissio.fi 043 201 3145
The School to Belong Loneliness Survey 2024
The School to Belong loneliness survey investigated the loneliness experienced by students in 126 educational institutions participating in the School to Belong program. 17% of young people who responded to the survey reported experiencing harmful loneliness in their institution. In secondary schools where loneliness work has been implemented, continuous harmful loneliness is less prevalent (5.8%) compared to other institutions (7.2%).

Young person, you’re not alone
Are you having a tough time in life? Do you have problems with your relationships? Do you feel lonely? Do you want to learn how to treat yourself with compassion?
If you need someone to talk to, our volunteers and professionals are here for you. Find out more about our Youth Services!
Schools committed to the programme are validated with the School to Belong certificate. This confirms that all staff members and students recognise that loneliness is a problem which they are working to alleviate – so no one need feel alone. In such a school, it is good to be a young person.
The programme is realised in cooperation with the Finnish National Agency for Education, University of Turku’s Department of Teacher Education, the Regional State Administrative Agency and the professor and loneliness researcher Niina Junttila.
The programme is intended as a long-term model for all schools and education institutions in Finland. It is realised nationally through online training and e-materials. At present, the programme, implemented in Finnish and Swedish, is directed at middle schools and secondary education institutions. For schools, participation is free of charge.
How your school can join the programme:
- Enrolment is possible from January through March.
- The school takes a Loneliness Survey.
- Survey results are made public, and a loneliness strategy is planned for the school.
- The school is offered appropriate tools to implement the loneliness strategy.
- Schools committed to the programme are certified annually.
Supporting the programme
Eva Ahlströms foundation, family company Berner Oy, August Ludvig Hartwalls foundation, family company Veikko Laine Oy and Posti Oy.
Online materials for School to Belong schools
Has your school enrolled in the School to Belong programme? Log into our password-protected online service, which will give your school access to various materials.
Tip us off about a school
Would you like to give HelsinkiMissio a tip-off about a school you wish would join our School to Belong programme to reduce loneliness in the school? Leave us contact details for the school and we’ll get in touch with them. Schools can enrol in January for the forthcoming school year.
Take part in Operation A Day’s Work Finland
One way to reduce loneliness at a societal level is to get involved in Operation A Day´s Work Finland. Offer your students a well-liked and meaningful day and take part!
Give a Donation to Help Young People
If the company you work for would like to support the School to Belong programme, please contact Silva Saulio (silva.saulio@helsinkimissio.fi)