

Would you like some support in your day-to-day family life? Or someone to talk to about things that are on your mind?

Our Family Friends are trained volunteers who are there to support your parenting. Talking with another adult as equals can lighten your burden and help you to find new approaches and resources in your life.

The befriending service is free of charge. Feel free to contact us!

Perhementori ja koira tervehtii äitiä ja lasta
Lapset keinuu ja äidit ihmettelee sivussa Lapset keinuu ja äidit ihmettelee sivussa

Day-to-day living in a family is more fun when you share it

A Family Friend is a trained HelsinkiMissio volunteer, someone you can talk to in confidence. They are well-balanced and sympathetic adults who want to support you and your family.

A Family Friend can also be of tangible help in your everyday life. You can go out together for a walk, or on an excursion, go shopping or, if you prefer, your Family Friend can visit you at your home and help out as an extra pair of hands.

Apply for a Family Friend

A Family Friend relationship lasts a year, during which the mentoree and their Family Friend meet regularly twice a month. HelsinkiMissio’s coordinators provide support in a mentoring relationship. During the mentoring period there will be three meetings with the coordinator: one meeting at the beginning, one to follow up, and one at the end.

Family Friend relationships begin with a meeting at HelsinkiMissio’s offices in the Kamppi district of Helsinki, or are set-up remotely using technology. Meetings with the Family Friend are set up regularly in whichever form works for both parties.

Family Befriending is available in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kerava. The befirending is free of charge for you and your family.

Book your phone appointment with a coordinator in the web-based calendar below. A coordinator will call you. Choose ”Family mentoring” in the menu and a time slot that works for you and fill in your contact details. Select English as your contact language.

You will receive a confirmation message once you have successfully booked it. You can also contact us via email:

For HelsinkiMissio’s Family Friend I am not just a number in a statistics. For me, Karlos became a mate who I can calibrate my stuff with. When the going gets tough, I can ask him if this is making any sense.”

Kaksi miestä keskustelevat ulkona penkillä Kaksi miestä keskustelevat ulkona penkillä

Counselling and Crisis Help to Support Families (in Finnish)

Are the worries of family life getting to you? We offer conversation and crisis help to families, allowing you to get support you need to deal with exhaustion, loneliness, couple’s issues, or family relationships. We offer the service in English case-by-case.

More information:

Kaisa Tuuteri

Vapaaehtoistoiminnan koordinaattori, kriisityöntekijä, tiimivastaava

09 2312 0253, 044 777 9691

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